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Products > Orthosis > Orthotic Components > Lyon scoliosis orthotic components
Product name : Lyon scoliosis orthotic components
Product No. : 23-10
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 Lyon scoliosis orthotic components
This spinal orthosis aims to hold the reduction of scoliosis curvatures that have been obtained by using EDF plaster corset.
Its modular aspect allows the adjustment of the pads according to the scoliosis development and the patient's growth.
Lyon scoliosis orthosis is composed of :
- one pelvic belt composed of two lateral valves.
- posterior and lateral support hands that keep the trunk in an acceptable orthopedic position.
- one subaxillar counter-pad plus one kickstand on the opposite side.
- two metallic uprights and fixing bars and plates allowing adjustment of the valves position and level of tightening.
Made of rigid copolymer, it is built from a cast by the orthotist.
Patients suffering from severe dorsal or dorso-lumbar scolioses that are characterized by :
- angulation higher than 30°,
- bad reducibility with strong spinal rotation,
- fast worsening, specially during puberty.

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